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Non-compete clause guide for employers

During my work as an HR consultant, I’ve recently noticed a trend among some clients to implement an overly restrictive non-compete clause in employment contracts. These clauses sometimes propose durations as long as 12 months and geographical restrictions covering absurd distances of up to 300 miles! This not only raises legal and ethical questions, but […]
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advice on menopause

New advice on menopause for employers

Menopause symptoms could now be classed as a disability, so employers need to get up to speed to ensure they are supporting staff and complying with the law. In this article, we cover everything you need to know… The changes are the result of an employment tribunal brought by a female social worker against her […]
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Employment status: a quick guide for employers and workers

The rise in popularity of the gig economy and outsourcing business services has blurred the employment status boundaries. In this article, we highlight the importance of understanding the legal distinctions between employees, workers and self-employed/independent contractors. The problem is that the differences are not as straightforward as employers might wish, with the criteria for each […]
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