
Allocation of Tips

The Employment (Allocation of Tips) Act 2023 looks set to change how hospitality businesses treat their loose change. In this article, we dig deep to reveal what the new legislation could mean for employers and employees. The basic principle behind the new law will require businesses to fairly distribute all tips, gratuities and service charges. […]
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Probationary Periods

Why probation periods are good for business Hiring staff can be fraught with danger, which is why probation periods are an essential tool for all managers and business owners. In this article, I highlight why you need to ensure your HR onboarding process acts as a safety net. As an experienced HR consultant, I have […]
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6 reasons why you need a dress code at work

From casual Fridays to power suits, this article unlocks the hidden dangers of not enforcing a dress code at work. If you see staff strutting around in shorts, you need to read on… In today’s dynamic work environment, some may argue that dress codes have become less relevant or even unnecessary. Whether it is due […]
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Contracts of Employment

Contracts of employment can be a minefield for employers. Fear not! Our essential checklist will guide you through the crucial elements, ensuring peace of mind and legal compliance. Businesses need to regard contracts of employment as the backbone of the employer-employee relationship, setting out the rights and obligations of both parties. Whatever the industry, UK […]
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5-step process to manage long-term sickness

Businesses who fail to successfully manage long-term sickness could leave themselves open to costly unfair dismissal claims. In this article I outline a five-step process for employers… The precise definition of long-term sickness will depend on each individual company’s HR policies and procedures. However, there are some generally accepted elements: consecutive sick leave lasting more […]
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5 reasons why HR outsourcing makes sense for SMEs

Managing people can be time consuming and stressful for business owners, which is why many choose the HR outsourcing option. In this article I explain how this could benefit SMEs… The term HR outsourcing simply refers to the process when a company turns to an external, third-party provider to handle all or part of their […]
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New laws on flexible working rights in the UK

Currently new laws on flexible working rights in the UK are passing through parliament. In this article, I will cover how the new rules will affect employees and businesses. The pandemic saw traditional offices being replaced by kitchen tables, which forced businesses to cook up ways to deal with staff in remote locations. Understanding that […]
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Advice on negotiating a settlement agreement

Employing people certainly has its ups and downs, with negotiating a settlement agreement being one of the most stressful processes for employers. Fortunately, I am here to offer some advice… Settlement agreements should be treated as a last resort when a working a relationship with a member of staff completely breaks down. If there is […]
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